Saturday, June 13, 2009

Marching Orders

Define The Problem

Always start by defining the problem or need being addressed.
  • Use the Five Why's : ask "Why" five times until you get to the root of the problem.
  • Consider a formal business case as part of a request/ governance process. This helps confirm the problem's criticality and validity.
  • Write a mission statement that declares the problem being addressed-the project's reason for being.
Develop A Strategy

Organize for success.
  • Build a core team and subteam leads as needed.
  • Addressed stakeholders early and often.
  • Define and communicate guiding principles.
  • Establish processes, systems and tools.
  • Maintain momentum; look for sources of motivation.
Strategize on a solution.
  • Determine the requirements.
  • Analyze the situation, focusing on the critical issues. This may require a preliminary risk analysis.
  • Define alternate strategies and select the best one.
Create A Vision.

Craft a clear and inclusive vision.
  • If you are not in a position to create the vision, be sure that you understand and can articulate the vision.
  • Remember SMART-Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic,Time-bound.
  • Build a shared or co created vision if possible. At the very least, consider the perspectives of all stakeholders.
  • Find the passionate need or fear that the project addressed. Sell the vision with examples and stories that clearly show the need.
  • If cost reduction must be part of the vision, be sure it is framed in context with a long term strategy and combined with positive rewards and other uplifting goals and mile-stones.

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